Date of change 06/05/2014
Name Ng Lee Thin
Age 47
Nationality Malaysian
Type of change Appointment
Designation Non-Executive Director
Directorate Independent & Non Executive
Qualifications She is a member of Malaysian Institute of Accountants and fellow of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.She holds a Bachelor of Economics (Hons) from University Utara Malaysia.
Working experience and occupation She has more than 20 years of experiences in the field of corporate finance, accounting, auditing and taxation. She was the Financial Controller of Binaik Equity Bhd. for 9 years before set up her own firm, Yellow Tax Services Sdn. Bhd. Prior to that, she worked with Ernst & Young.
Directorship of public companies (if any) NIL
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer NIL
Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer NIL
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries NIL
Remarks :
This announcement is dated 6 May 2014.


Announcement Info

Stock Name JOHOTIN
Date Announced 6 May 2014
Category Change in Boardroom
Reference No CJ-140430-41165